I was told the other day by a friend that I had not fully shared about life on campus on the blog. So here goes. The UEA is a beautiful campus which is reminiscent of UWI Mona and Cave Hill campuses. It is closer in size to Mona with many green spaces and 'The Broad' a lake at the southern end. This is one of the reasons that I choose to attend school here , as I just could not see myself studying in the heart of the bustling city; my brain needs room to breathe! The centre of the campus is always busy as this where everybody meets up, where the cafeterias are and most of the student services. There is a medical and dental centre and also a nursery catering for students and their families. There are many student accomodations with some brand new facilities and also some older structures which have gained architectural awards. 'The Street' boasts a range of shops and banks catering to students needs... and of course what would an English University be without a pub or 3! They are run by the Student Union which is a very active in student life. There is a state of the art Sportspark with indoor swimming pool, various indoor courts for games, track, outdoor courts and a well equipped gym... the best in the East of England. The Library is also another hub of activity where almost everything is self service from borrowing and returning books to printing and photocopying. It also hosts an IT area that is open 24 hrs a day for the workaholics among us. There is also an excellent computer network that connects you to everywhere on campus. I have spoken about my school of study (Norwich Law School) in an earlier post. About 15 minutes walk away is a Tescomart....(for the Cave Hill grads remember the ESSOmart?) where you can also go to get essential supplies. I hope that captures it ... here are the pics! So yes, I would recommend it to anyone. It is very multicultural setting with students from all over the globe and this interaction gives a unique experience. The 'Uni' has an execellent reputation in develpoment studies, environmental sciences and of course... Employment Law! It is also rated top ten in UK student satisfaction surveys. You can find out more and do a virtual tour by visiting
http://www.uea.ac.uk/ The Broad

The Sportspark
The Library

'The Square'...Campus Central!

Union House and Pub

The Tesco mart

New student Accoms.

Ziggarats...older Student Accoms.

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