So now that the paper has been finished, I have a few days to sort myself out and get back to the real world. I did a couple of things in a few days; never knew one could pack in so many things! After handing in the dissertation on the 10th, it was a worldwind to get out of the rabbit hutch. Thereafter I went to London with two large suitcases...a sight to behold! But God as always was good and I made it in one piece. Next day, I was on a train to visit my friend Candiece in Birmingham. She is in a beautiful stage of pregnancy! I had a good time, but it was hectic heading back to Norwich for church on Saturday. Man, I got into Norwich at 1 am!!!! But it was really worth it.
Can't say you have been to Birmingham and did not touch the Bull!
I had my last days at Norwich Church. It was quite poignant as these people who took me in for the past year are now history. I will endevour to keep in touch. These are some of the best people in the whole world! Next it was off to Serenna's for a sumptious lunch....mmmm; enough said! I will miss the quiches. Then it was off to London saying goodbe to Norwich courtesy of the Rileys...Thank You guys!
Back in London and bunking with Ann, I was able to finally link up with Gordon Lewis, my classmate from high school in Jamaica who now lives here. He was the one who really set me up with my supplies when I first got here as well as transported me down to Norwich. Imagine I did not see him again for the whole year! Such is life in this country where things move at a very rapid pace. 
Gordon and I finally in the same picture!On Sunday September 14, 2008, Ann's aunt Lorna and her Mom Joan, had a barbeque in my honour to celebrate the completion of my course. They managed to get my two cousins, Alicia and James to come which was a very pleasant surprise. Save to say I am thankful to them all for the effort put out for me and it has made me all the more grateful for the friends and family that God has provided for me during this journey.
The yummy spread at the barbeque. New found friend Debbie in the foreground.
Ann the blessed...I thank God the day that we met and for your friendship and concern.
AliciaIt is time for me to head home. Much awaits me there and by the grace of God I am hopeful that all this experience has been worth all the sacrifices that have been made. Before departing I will hopefully to do the London tour... who knows when I will be able to get to this end of the world again, right?
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