All hail another year of life! And what a year it has been. I am almost at the end of the school year with just about 3 months to go. It is onward to the dissertation which appears to be a formidable task. I am grateful to God for my family and friends who have stuck with me on this journey. The day started off quite sunny, very reminiscent of home. That was to change dramatically during the day in typical english stlye, as we therafter had rain and a drop in temperature. I went off to church and had a lovely time and returned to tackle the task of moving. You see, the Accomodations unit on campus have plans to renovate the flats that I was occupying, over the summer hence the imposed movement. I tell you , it is only when you are forced to move that you realise just how much things you can accummulate in a short space of time, especially as a student! It took many trips but at last the move was over. The new place is just like the previous one... small as ever! What to do? I must keep remembering the end is close at hand and work towards that final move. 
In the throws of moving....
My friends from church were not finished with me though. They invited me to one's house the next day and had a nice caribbean dinner with saltfish fritters and thing! We had birthday cake and sang, while celebrating Father's Day. So all said, I am grateful to God for his goodness and strive to do His will in the coming year.
The Fath-Birth-day cake.
okayyyyyyy... so we see that ur b/day was moving day...but moving from where to where? There is no story...mek sure u include it in the next update.
Tek care.
Welcome home! Thought u had finished but do understand the long distance love ting wicked. So enjoy the trip and my girl You Inspire Me! lol!
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