Angela Leeding at one of the regular Friends International Graduate Fellowship lunches at the exotic Sainsbury Centre on campus.
It was really sunny today and I was almost fooled into thinking that I was home...but alas! By the time 3 pm came I was in no doubt as to where I was...England!!
I got to thinking how blessed I am. Even though I am here and greatly missing the family and the comforts of home, God has sent some really nice people to help me along the way. Meet 1 of my "english angels". She is Angela Leeding. She works for an organization called Friends International. It is a christian group which helps to integrate international students in the UK. I met her the day I got off the train in Norwich on September 20, 2007 (I remember it like yesterday!!) She gave me a warm welcome and some literature about life in Norwich. Well, as it worked out, one document had her mobile number and that night, when I was all alone in 'the rabbit hutch', really homesick and hungry, that was the only person in Norwich whose # I had. Remember, this lady did not know me...but I gave her a call and without hesitation she came to my assistance. She brought me some food and paper cups! We have been in touch ever since. Thank you Angela! It also shows that I do not have to worry abount my welfare, after all if God takes care of the birds... He will surely provide for me!